I dislike the way that "americans are..." is being thrown around.
Don't you think it's a little self-indulgent and narcissistic to say that "all americans" are anything in particular?
You like to get your opinions of Americans from your own biased reporters and that moron Rick Mercer- whose only existence is to furhter himself by putting people on the spot and make fun of them for your entertainment. He is just trying to make a name for himself and some money for his pocket. His show, while humorous at times, is useless as an "example" of Americans as a whole.
That'd be like me taking every Rick Moranis/John Candy movie I've ever seen and taking that as my "example" of Canadian culture.
There are a lot of people whose responsibilities far outweigh the ability to take time to educate themselves on other people's cultures. Like lower-class people care about your culture when they're trying to put food on the table? Like middle-class people care about the particulars of the Canadian lifestyle when they're trying not to get fired, downsized, or trying to get rehired from the same. Not to mention that the people in this country are hounded by the news media to constantly be afraid- it's what keeps us all in check and them in control. People who live in fear are easy to control. The upper-class and the rich sometimes don't care about anyone but themselves, but that goes for any culture. For those who DO care, they are great philanthropists and are concerned with the world at large.
In the days of constant fear tactics lobbed at us by the media, job problems and money tightness, not to mention all the other problems like social security, health care, etc., when exactly do you think we're going to stop what we're doing- when we already are running behind in our own lives- to bone up on Canada?
I think it's a liiiiiiiittle unnecessary to assume that because you're not the center of our attention we (as a whole country) don't care about you. In a country with as many people as we have, it is not all that difficult to find a handful- or even several handfuls- of ignorant people.
Shit, I know entire neighborhoods of redneck morons. Doesn't prove anything about Americans as a whole.