I have two. When I was in high school I worked at Little Caesars Pizza. I made pizzas and crazy bread, which was okay, and washed and cleaned, which wasn't.
One time I washed dishes and pans for 12 straight hours, and when I got home I couldn't move enough to get undressed.
The other horrible job I had was working for a company that sold vitamins. You know the little form on your credit card bill's envelope that you can fill out and include with your bill to order stuff? Well, ours offered people a free 30-day sample of vitamins, and in very small print you agreed to get 60-day supplies every 60 days, automatically billed to your credit card.
When people realized this, usually 90 days or so after paying their credit card bill, they'd call and scream. At me. That was my job.
I promised myself I'd never again work a job that was just the shit-end of customer service.