I think other than the "natural"ness of honey, it isn't any better than marshmellows. Ie, marshmellows will have some serious chemical play in them. Honey will be equally processed, but by bees instead of by machines.
For the PB, think about buying "just peanuts" PB. Kraft makes a brand of it (if you like brands), and you can get less processed stuff either at your supermarket, or a local health food store. (less processed = small penut flakes left, but still pretty smooth)
(When you buy "real" PB, give it a good stir then refrigerate it: unlike the sugar/chemcial additive-filled standard PB, real PB is quite liquidy at room tempurature, and oil seperation happens.)
Second, switch to whole wheat bread (not brown, whole wheat). With a bit of getting used to at most, it tastes just as good as white bread in a sandwich, and it is better for you. Still not perfect, but better!
Glycemic Index:
(Hmm, did learn some things about honey that might make my earlier statement incorrect. Honey is apparently high in fructose as opposed to glucose. Fructose is absorbed into the body slower than glucose.)