Originally posted by BlingBling
For the most part, most major religions have evolved past the "torture and death" methods in the name of religion. Why has this religion been slower to evolve?
I find it interesting that you use the word evolved there.
Firstly, I fail to see how Christianty could possibly have evolved past murder and torture, since Jesus didn't advocate it, and in fact according to the Gospels completely opposed it. It's not part of Christianity to kill or torture.
Similarly Muhammad gave strict and unequivocal instructions that 'Children of the Book' that is Christians and Jews are not to be harmed outside a battle situation. What this policeman did was nothing to do with Islam since it's not part of the religion.
What it is a person killing another person, under the banner of a religion that doesn't advocate his actions in the slghtest just as the people who bombed abortion clinics did something Jesus would never have agreed with.
Phaenx: I'm not saying Christians are bad, nor am I saying Muslims are bad, since people who do these things are Muslims and Christians in name only.
So my point is no it is not a religious issue.