Originally posted by brianna
to use your logic: there are way more black in jail than whites so i'm going to just assume from here on out that all african americans are violent criminals.
pre-judging 1.3 billion people (the estimated nubmer of islams in the world http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html) based on what the US media chooses to report about the actions of a few is immature and ignorant.
well, is it not a fact that in SOME areas, certain races and in the case of this murder, certain religions ARE more violent than others and deserve a blanket generalization? (just a thought, not my actual opinion)
Old signature just wasn't doing it for me anymore, so now I have this new one. It's equally as stupid but at least it looks really long. I'm probably just going to keep typing until I run out of things to babble about and see how many people actually read this. I once ran down a hill, fell down and hurt my elbow; my mom said I would be ok, she kissed it and made it all better. I've run out of things to say now, so if you have read this whole thing, congratulations you get a gold star!