In regards to topic murder is murder, no matter who does it. And what many seem to forget is that there are fanatics in all religions. Christians have theirs, (there are some that bomb abortion clinics, the KKK is loaded with supposed Christians, as are the Neo-Nazi Aryans.)
One of the ways most every organized religion keeps it's power is to say that that particular religion is the "only true religion of God". By that alone it inspires a certain percentage of fanaticism of the religion and hatred towards other religions. Hatred and fanaticism combined almost always leads to violence. So this headline could have read Jew kills Christin, Hindu Kills Maoist, whatever. But by having it the way it does read, it inspires more hatred and fanaticism and fuels those who believe this terrorism and war basically come down to religion. (Which the terrorism and war truly have nothing to do with religion.)
Originally posted by BoCo
The commandment is "Thou shalt not murder." There's a difference between killing and murdering.
Every Bible I've ever read, the 6th Commandment says "Thou shalt not kill", it doesn't say "thou shalt not murder".
One could say the Bible meant murder, BUT, you state killing and murder are different so, if that is the case, one cannot substitue murder for kill in the Bible.