The flipside of the barista generalization: I don't know if any of you actually have ever been a barista, but it isn't all standing around filling cups with drip coffee. To make good lattes, takes a certain amount of skill and also puts one at the mercy of any number of repetitive motion injuries. It also requires the barista to actually care about the quality of the beverages they make. It can be frustrating, sweaty work. Couple this with the fact that the average american replaces his/her knowledge of coffee with an over aggressive sense of self importance and you have a moderately to incredibly shitty job. You don't know bad coffee until you go to a coffeeshop employing baristas who don't care about the customers. Starbucks employees do get paid better, but far from a livable wage. On a tangent, why do people tip bartenders yet question the tipping of baristas? Don't bartenders essentially just stand there and put liquid into a cup?