"No-one has really answered my third point - why do we have laws that no-one enforces?"- Crusader......
From my understanding, concent laws are mostly to protect against rape. If the defendant is below the concent age, the argument can not be made that it was concentual, because they are not at the age to understand the full concequences of their actions (according to legislators, not personal opinion) I may be wrong on this, but i beleive that is the reason we have concent laws, to protect young people from sexual abuse. As for cases of two concentual individuals who fall under the age of concent, where there is no rape accusation, i do not beleive that these individuals should be punnished. I think that punishing them will in no way improve the situation, yes they made a mistake, but punishing them will not change what happened, it will only make things worse for the mom and the baby....just out of curiosity? i don't think anyone has mentioned the conceqences that a male would have for having underage sex? what if it was one of those deadbeats who took off and left the mom alone? am i the only one who thinks it is soooo unbeleivable unfair that the mother should suffer finacialy due to breaking concent law and the man get off with a slap on the wrist?
"By financial punishment I mean they should not receive any money from the government to help raise the child. If they don't like it, they can always give the child up for adoption! And it should be recorded on their permanent record that they broke the law."- Crusader
oh come on now...does every underage kid who looks at porn on the internet get a permanent record? no.....the age limit is there to protect from things like kiddie porn....there has to be an age limit so no one under that age is exploited. Is masterbating illegal before age of concent...what about other sexual acts? I think that sex is a natural human urge (we are animals after all) It is extreemly important to discourage sex between young people but that should be done though sex education....laws do not scare people out of doing what they wanna do, the only effective thing is education....they have to fully understand the risks of what they are doing. And remember, some people mature faster then others, just because you see it as immoral and wrong, doesn't mean they do.