wow, looks like I have my work cut out for me this afternoon. all questions will be answered in order.
1. on sabbatical.
2. yes, in due time.
3. about 6 inches to the right of the line that seperates fishing from just standing there like an idiot
4. if I knew the answer to that, I'd be President of the Galaxy by now.
5. older
6. nothing. there is no finer way to explore life's mysteries than to query me repeatedly.
7. just come right out and tell him you dig Lesbians. chances are, he'll be turned on by it.
8. see answer to #6 above.
9. yes
10. no, go right ahead. "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em" I always say.
11. can you think of a better name for a feather in your cap?
12. you can eat it if you want, but you'll get a much better buzz if you chop/grind it into a fine powder and snort it.
13. absolutely
14. not yet. keep trying.
everquestjoe: ducks and beavers ate my socks
SixEdxMia: it's in the Union by-laws
everquestjoe: only if you wish to attain true enlightenment
everquestjoe: 17.6333 ppm (parts per million)
Fremen: left, generally.
roadkill: why is water a liquid? it is what it is.
Eugeni: only yours, buddy.
Kostya: e) all of the above