Associating pain in certain contexts with pleasure isn't all that hard. There are entire subcultures that are into that sort of thing.
Dispite that, I think pain is more than just a random sensation: (most of) our brains are hard wired to treat that sensation in special ways.
Of course, another problem with attempting NoSoup's experiment is that pain causing actions tend to be damaging. If you where to burn someone, even lightly, often enough to condition them into viewing pain as a normal sensation, you'd probably end up with a dead experimentee.
You can train rats to treat other experiences somewhat like pain. Basically, you stick wires into their brain, and trigger "avoidance" centres in their brain, teaching the rat to avoid certain behaviour. You can do the same with "reinforcement" centres: possibly with a bit of brain surgury, you could remove the pain->avoidance connection?
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.