Originally posted by maleficent
If I had a pissy day at work, and I walked in the house and said I had a pissy day, (then added I was PMSing) and my beloved asked my to clean a grungy pan that he didn't need to use right now, it was just bothering him -- but not bothering him enough to wash it himself - I probably would have considered bopping him over the head with said pan. (or just said something along the lines of wash it your damn self -- sometimes walking off is the best course of action)
I agree, but at the same time I understand his actions, somewhat, because I feel uncomfortable if there's tons of stuff around me when I'm supposed to do something.
Until there's a pill, stabilizer or something to help coping with PMS, people who say "women shouldn't blame bing bitchy on PMS/use PMS as a crutch" should just be quiet.
How happy and accomodating would you be if you were in pain and in a bad mood? Irritability, anger, aggressivness, feeling over-sensetive, etc...