Can we continue to bait the vicious dog without arming ourselves to the teeth?
In reference to your question above, I see the situation in Iraq today as an experiment directly addressing it. Because of the unique, unprecedented nature of the situation, allowances need to be made and accepted to see the thing through. The people who criticize this president and this war to the nth degree, I believe, are the ones who think themselves and the US inherently morally superior. They think the US should be above such warfare misbehavior as the prison abuses and maybe they should. Maybe war brings out the worst in otherwise decent people.
IMO Al Gore, as a former vice president and sophisticated world politician, should know better when he
rails so insincerely against the president like he did the other day, and expresses such false indignation over such abuses. He of all people should know the true nature of the threat faced by this country and Western civilization in general.
One needs to consider the stakes now that the gloves are off and radical Islam threatens. What do we do with the vicious dog? Try to pacify it? Isolate it? Kill it? Brainwash it? Should the West bow to the radical elements of the East and become enslaved by it? Should Islam be admired for being disgusted and appalled at the West because we allow such things as an MTV network for gay people? Maybe they are a simple, honest, hardworking people with simple, conservative beliefs who are just dazed, confused and frightened by the behavior of the West? Where is the line to be drawn? Who is entitled to draw it?