Originally posted by qtpye4u84
Wow... I'm trying to get my boyfriend to understand me.
He does things like you.
See when I get mad at him, all he has to do to make me feel better is to say he was sorry and he was wrong, and then I'm all better some flowers or something new form the store no matter what it is makes me feel better also.
She just wants some attention.
Give her a compliment.
But as in this case, what if he isn't wrong? She came home in a bad mood and threatened him. In my world, that was mistake #1. Either she wants a fight, or considers him an underling. The smart alec remarks were a bit much ( even though I cracked up, and say almost the same things; e.g. Someone needs to clean this floor up before we have to buy a 4 wheeler to get through the house), but I feel they fit the situation. At no time should a woman bring a list up of our past mistakes. They should address the issues when it happens.
Anyway, good luck man, I feel ya!