My current server is an old 166 Mhz with 99Mb Edo RAM and an 8 Gb 5400 RPM Seagate that I managed to scrape together with a ClarkConnect 2.1 Home edition (RedHat based) Linux OS.
This was nice to experiment on, and I must say has served me loyally and outperformed my expectations, but is far from sufficient.
See, I am a PHP developer and am running some fairly heavy aps (like for instance Squirelmail and a BIG Content Management System by the company I work for) on the latest software (that I usually have to compile myself) like PHP5 RC2 and the latest Apache 2.
And it simply takes too long to compile a new version of PHP or Apache or simply to work with on and with the CMS or check my mail with Squirelmail.
I actually timed it once, it takes a full minute to simply log in to the CMS.
However due to the purchase of a new machine, the following has become available:
System board: 66M, Intel platform
CPU: 450MHz Pentium III
Fansink: Pentium III - 2 Pin for URM, SECC II
Memory: 3 x 128MB modules (PC-100) (= 384 Mb)
Disks: 3.5", 80GB DiamondMax Plus 9 (7200 RPM,8 Mb Cache)
3.5", 40 GB Maxtor (5400 RPM)
Graphics card: AGP Riva 128/8MB, Creative
Power supply: SPS 145W ATX API-7675 Rev. A H61
Networkcards: 1 Winbond 10/100 Mbit
2 BenQ 10/100 Mbit (RealTek 8139 compatible)
Can anybody tell me if this will be sufficient? Or if there are tweaks possible/advisable.
I use the server as:
Webserver (with PHP5 installed and heavily used though not by many)
MySQL Database server (also heavily used)
IMAP Mailserver (just for my family)
Router (for 2 machines)
Fileserver (I use it to store all my movies (read: pr0n

) and mp3s and stuff, I have a LOT stuff like that)
FTP Server (just my own documents and some stuff for friends)
And I also have
DHCP server and
DNS caching on.
I am thinking of buying an extra 120 Gb Hitachi Deskstar for extra file storage, but other than that I have no idea.
I just want to set it up and not have to think about it again for at least a year. Just tweak the OS a bit, but leave the hardware untouched.
Tweaks for the OS are also welcome