You make some good points, but it seems to me that you should weigh the faults/weaknesses of BOTH sides before making a judgement.
What's Kerry's policy? I believe he'd be the type to sit on his duff. You talk about mediators in North Korea, but he'd have mediators all over the world kissing more ass than Lewinsky in the Oral office. You notice all he has made clear (lately) is that he's against war. When asked about war policy, he manages to try to dodge the question, or criticize George Bush. Every time he talks it's George Bush this, George Bush that. What are HIS stances? Recall that key figures in the left not too long ago agreed with how much of a threat Saddam Hussein is. This includes Kerry. If he did nothing and let Saddam have his way (turning away weapons inspectors), then he'd be criticised. And of North Korea, why risk nuclear war? You speak of casualties, your North Cal butt would lie in a giant West coast ash tray. The harsh reality is you either fight a war, or let the war come home. Which is better? These weapons were in Saddams custody at one point. Mass graves are evidence. They were either a) distroyed, or b) sent over to Syria.
If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid looking in a mirror, because I bet that will really throw you into a panic. - Jack Handy