After that, where do they get trained? Remember that viet-nam was stupidly fought by the US. We'd take a hill, then wander off until the enemy showed up again, then take the hill again. We also insisted on using conventional military tactics on a non-conventional military. This won't happen if your supposed rebellion comes to pass. Your rebels will be going up against the best-trained, best-equipped fighting force the world has ever seen. They will not be able to stand up to the military. The ONLY way a successful rebellion can be fought is if the military revolts against the government - and then the issue of citizens having guns is rather moot isn't it?
The insurgents in Iraq seem to be doing quite well.
Whether or not X citizens would be able to rebel against Y soldiers is moot; their hypothetical effectiveness plays no part in determining whether or not Americans should own firearms. The Bill of Rights specifically indicates that American citizens should be allowed to arm themselves, because that is one of the necessary freedoms our forefathers determined America requires. When you restrict the ability of your citizens to defend themselves from any threats, percieved or real, you take away a fundamental freedom and open the door to further abuses.