Originally posted by forgotten_dream
Anything hot-- working in fast food I'm SURROUNDED by weapons. They tell you in the training videos that people like to rob fast food places cuz they're easy money, but I think you'd have to be fucking retarded. Besides the obvious ones (coffee, knives, one of those big ol' roll of quarters) I have a scar on my hand from getting whacked with a hot fry basket and have always thought that the metal spatulas we use on the grill could also do some damage.
Working in fast food, why would you give a shit if someone robbed the place? I once worked in a sub shop that got robbed by a guy with a rifle. I didn't attempt to attack him with the meat slicer, nor did anyone else. We let him take the money from the register and let him be on his merry way. If you're stupid enough to risk your ass for a few bucks that doesn't even belong to you, then you might be working at that fast food for the rest of your life. As for me, if a place I'm working at gets robbed, I'll help the robbers out as much as possible. "You want fries with that?"