I was going to refrain from commenting since this thread almost gives the movie cred. . . BUT
I thought it was junk from the get-go. It is just another example of a talentless Hollywood that is too caught up in itself to put any effort into deserving what they have. These boobs are all so entitled and when they put out a self absobed film like this, they want us to all line up.
Here is an off beat example from the DVD: When you pop it in, you cannot hit the DVD Menu key or skip the chapter button to get the movie going. Instead your only defense from the "we are so artsy and creative - love me mommy" Focus Features commercial is to Fast Forward it. I am insulted that they force you to see it even if you fast forward at high speed. They have been pushing me with the commercials in the theatre that I pay $9 to get into and then starting the movie 45 minutes after it is scheduled. This crap takes the cake.
As far as the movie itself, other than the fact that they are both in a similar situation (bad relationship) the charachters are never developed - Scarlett in paticular - to a point where you could ever find a reason why they would be a good match at all. So Scarlett is hot. We know that right away. So Bill Murray likes Scarlett because she is hot and young and his wife is not? BIG REVELATION! This has been going on since the insitution of marrage began. Other than hot, the only that you can tell about her charachter is that she is depressed.
Being bored or depressed doesn't make these two soul mates. It makes them just another set of people contemplating getting into a co-dependant, unhealthy relationship.
And then these people (Coppola, Murray et all) yell at Stewardesses, Taxi, Drivers, waitresses and retail sales people with the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!!" rant. Yeah, we know who you are - you are spoiled no talent hacks who make crap movies and then foam over each other at award shows.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.