For the question of why I didn't clean the pan, I ended doing it and later yelling in the fight "Oh, by the way, it took me 30 seconds to clean that goddamn pan." That didn't help.
Her way of communicating back to me how she was feeling was later that night we talked and she had a list of grievances of things that have occured over the past few months or so, like the time the trash can was full (she's not PMSing at this point, BTW, and shocking, the trashcan is full. Jesus, how lame do these fights sound??) and I said, in my usual sarcastic tone, "Guess I'll take the trash out, cause I'm the only one with arms around here." That didn't go well either. At the time she didn't do or say anything just gave me a "yeah, whatever, smartass" comment, but this made it onto her list of "This in something the recent past you've done that has pissed me off."
BTW - We've only been married about 8 months and only living together for that long. I think the problem is neither of us appreciate what the other is doing around the house. She does clean a lot, sometimes after me. I walk the dog 5 times a day, she does it once. I do the more physical things around the house, obviously. We even do our own laundry. And, we even have a hired cleaning service, so it's not like she's down scrubbing floors like Cinderella every week.
Anyway, the conclusion: I went to bed early last night, she came up to bed shortly after, and we just kinda held each other in bed while the thunderstorm was going on outside. Today we've barely brought it up, except 2 "I'm sorry"s this morning. And we've been fine all day. Better be, we go on vacation in a week.
Believe me, this isn't a normal occurance though I say it happens now about once a year where we have it out for a day or two. I don't think it's normal or healthy, but we're two very opinionated people who like to be in control, and if there's ever a situation where we feel like that's being questioned or somehow we feel violated, these things happen.
Anyway, I guess this is basically a warning to guys out there who, like I did, forget sometimes that your wife is your WIFE, not one of your buds who you have the ability to joke around with ALL the time. They don't, at least mine doesn't, appreciate your subtle wittiness when it comes to household chores, your relationship, or her appearance.
Thanks for your responses. Some were fantastic.
And I appreciate some of your concerns. You guys are great.