Originally posted by onetime2
The world support shown after 9/11 was simply a veneer. Scratch the surface and there was little real support for us. Bush's actions didn't suddenly cause the world to view us as selfish, aggressive, unilateral, etc, etc, etc. It simply exposed the feelings that have been brewing over the policies we've enacted and the strategies we've used over the last several decades. To blame Bush alone for the world's distaste for us is as absurd as thinking that the world will suddenly embrace us if Bush is out of power.
Not sure where to go here. To call the worlds support a veneer is more cynical than I choose to be. I would have called it a great first step, with the possibility of others being taken.
When the next step is a slam in face, forward progress is reversed. Bush is either making it better, or making it worse. There is no overnight magic, the world doesn't love us completely (or hate us totally) because of one thing. It's a process.
Choosing to ignore world treaties, ignoring the geneva convention, saying things like the quote we are discussing, and other actions move us away from the worlds respect.
Nowhere do I blame bush alone for the existing problem. Nor do I say the world will embrace us if Bush leaves. But I do say no one has the impact on that relationship that the President does. And the choices he has made have not helped. And I see no reason why. Except short sightedness, and lack of understanding that it's ok for people to disagree without being disloyal.