I have had my hotmail account since the dawning of the internet. Now it's mostly useless. I went to Atlanta for a week - didn't check my email. I come back 600 new messages. 599 of them were spam. And to be honest, if I didn't carefully look through the emails, I would have deleted that one real email. My gripe with spam is just that. You get so much of it, I occasionally mistake real mail as spam and it gets deleted. I use mostly Yahoo now, and while I find their filters much better than Hotmail's, they too sometimes filter out good emails.
There was a senator that proposed charging for each email sent a while ago. While I was against that, they should make a bill that would charge for each email sent over say 1000 a day or something. That would be reasonable. That would deter most spammers.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss