Originally posted by cthulu23
It's important to note that the majority of Americans are for some gun control, ie - assault weapon bans and waiting periods.
Once people are educated on the "Assault Weapons Ban", they are much less likely to support it (just ask in here, for example).
As to the numbers, I don't know if it is the "majority" (a current CNN poll suggests it is the
However, once the NRA machine gets cranked up and the issue is framed as "NRA vs the Jack booted thugs coming to take your guns," people begin to hesitate.
If you actually look at the people supporting these laws (Chuck Schumer, Richard Daley, Dianne Feinstein, etc.), they are
on record as saying they want to ban ALL GUNS.
So yes, the "jack booted thugs" as you put it, really
do want to come and take my guns away.
Although I don't own any guns, I also don't believe that the government should be the only armed entity in the nation. However, I also don't think that laws prohibiting my purchase of a rocket launceher / automatic weapon / explosive are a good thing. To those that speak out against any regulation at all, I ask where do you draw the line? What types of weapons should citizens be allowed to own? Flame throwers? Tanks? M-60s? [/B]
(I think you might have made a mistake in your sentence since it says one thing and then another.)
Anyway, you CAN own automatic weapons; it is just expensive and time consuming. You can also own a tank (you might not get a functioning
gun however.)
But to answer your basic question, I personally would draw the line at explosives and crew served weapons.
In otherwords, I think that with proper regulation, most of what an infantry man has should be available to the average citizen.