Originally posted by ARTelevision
we aren't against our country - just the government.
I love this country. America is a great country, with opportunities for all that you just can't get everywhere in the world. I believe we are a nation that is as free as they come.
That doesn't mean I don't think our "elected" representatives- at all levels of government- are doing a good job. Rights have been abridged, personal agendas are made policy, and I believe there are few people in politics who actually, sincerely, carry out the will of those they represent.
And that's sad, because that's SUPPOSED to be what they're there for.
I say "elected", because in today's political realm, no one runs on a platform of, "this is who I am, and what I can do for you"- except maybe in small, local elections. All other positions are filled by special interest groups and corporations, depending on how much money they're willing to throw at a candidate.
Corporations run our government, whether democrat or republican, and if people can't see the facts for themselves, they will remain thinking the government cares about them.
Which, really, they don't.