Originally posted by redlemon
The point is not to understand the woman. The point is to anticipate the woman. Know what you need to do, not why.
Bingo. And/or get good at cleaning up the mess afterward.
Originally posted by Dorito2
I think I'm the only asshole here that thinks you did nothing wrong. Feelings and emotions have their place but to get upset for this long about the pan is absurd.
Yes it IS absurd, but think about it like this: what does it get you to stand there and say, "Honey, that's absurd!". It gets you nothing but more hurt.
When it comes to relations with wimminfolk, sensei ratbastid say: "Be supple like the willow, not rigid like the oak."
Try this: "You're right, hon. I wasn't thinking. Sorry!" Look, that may or may not be true, but you can either be concerned with your righteousness or with your relationship, not both.