Originally posted by Xsas
I'd give up all the commodities my parents give me (except my bed) for some freedom.
So put your money where your mouth is and move out.
You don't seem to understand what people are telling you here - YOU'RE BEING AN UNGRATEFUL BRAT! The worst thing your parents have done is give you some rules and some structure and insist that you get a job WORKING FOR THEM so you can EARN some money for going off to college. The structure (curfew) is, believe it or not, for your own good, to protect you from your own obvious lack of judgment - they're not doing it to spite you! The more you talk, the more you seem to prove our point, that 18 or not you are still acting like a child and clearly your parents are giving you exactly the amount of responsibility you are ready to handle: VERY LITTLE! Disobeying their rules only proves their point. If you want some responsibility and some freedom, earn it by growing some gratitude and some perspective.
Dude, this is why I'm not having children.