Originally posted by Harshaw
Wow... that pisses me off. I'm not even married to her and I'm pretty steamed. I'm not 100% certain I could survive in a situation like that.
I've never been married, but I'm thinking this sort of behavior, if rewarded, is only going to get worse.
Truthfully this is only a small spat. No real fight. You need to realize that marriage is much deeper and if it is to work allowances need to be made. A dirty pan, how about $50,000 or a brutal attack on an in-law. There are many worse instances.
Originally posted by Seaver
Bad idea, will lead to a divorce and nothing more.
Anyways... just my $.02
Worked for 18+ years so far, usually both parties need to cool off and a break is what it takes. Communication is much easier after we cool down. Make up sex ROCKS too!