It seems we have a misunderstanding that needs to be clarified.
I have taken no offense, as you have given no reason for me to do so. The *edit for grammar* is simply a way to tell others that I corrected a piece of my post (in this case I spelled "and" with a b).
You seem to be taking my reply as an attack, which was not my intention, and rarely is.
I do not claim to "know" anything, as I thought was plainly laid out in the way I phrased my post. If indeed this was unclear, that would be a mistake on my part, I apologize.
Yes, I was sincere, and here we have our first issue with the dynamics of this discussion. The assumption of sarcasm is unwarrated, and relatively insulting, but that may very well be irrelevant. However, in your reply you do tend to attempt to play the higher intellect card, Please refrain for the benefit of us both.
As for the critique, please do. But also realize my statements are made within the context of perception, not truth.
*Truth is a Lie, Perception of truth is reality*
This is a general statement, and with the statement comes the obvious interpretation that it cannot be true.
Please note (again) that at no time have my perceptions in this thread indicated a direction of "Truth", in fact they have been in direct opposition of such.
As far as your questions, Yes there are obvious truths that most people will likely understand, and create an acceptance of. Thus we have the Scientific Method. Math ,Logic, Quantum Theory, Relativity.....etc are not in any way the same in my opinion. As they all have aspects that require individual interpretation, this is what creates progress in these fields.
When you delve into subjective truths, you enter the realm of spirituality, and this is as grey as it gets. I cannot, and will not give any direction in this area, to someone of opposing belief. It would be inapproriate and goes against my guiding principles to subject others to my understanding of the un-knowable. Should someone be of like understanding in this area, we often have extremely enlightening exchanges, and learn (I would hope) much from each other. Perhaps another time.
*edit*( yeah...I've had a bit of brandy)
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
Last edited by tecoyah; 05-27-2004 at 05:45 PM..