Like others have said id get a pair and have a play, maybe download/buy a vid or 2, you can practice swinging them and hand switches theres several different switches and only a couple have a chance of knocking you out if your not a fool. I used to dislike the switch when you cross your arm over your body, and swing the chuck over the opposite shoulder from behind as if you get it wrong the momentum sends it for your haed, but basic switches forwards and accross your back are easy. Foam ones are slower, and easier but wooden ones aint so bad. I started with wooden rope octogonal ones and did ok. I find chain to be slower and noisier than rope. if your goin to conceal id go with rope, although id assume rope is worse for locks. octogonal ones can give you blisters if you use them a lot moreso than rounded but i only got them if usin them couple of hours a day. They're only cheap so pick up a pair and have a go, start with simple switches and bounces of legs and body and you should be ok, this knocking yourself out business is a little exagurrated imo