I think the real issue here is, what is the "right way"? There is no way to deal with terrorists. You can't give in to their demands, but you can't exactly stop them either. At least not without seriously restricting personal freedoms and rights. That's what makes a "war on terror" a losing battle. If it was easy as dealing with it "the right way" then it would have been dealt with. How do you fight someone you can't find or track? How do you respond to this issue that is fair to the people you are trying to protect? When you are talking terrorism there isn't really a black and white on how to deal with it. That is why it has existed for so long and probably always will. As long as their are people with opposing views that are willing to die for those views, you will have terrorism. You can't blame a nation or any given target. It's a group of individuals, but you don't know who they are. They could be your neighbours or they could be people on the other side of the world. You never really know until somehow they get found out, or something terrible happens...
"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."
Lionel Hutz