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Old 05-27-2004, 11:36 AM   #18 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
Originally posted by Lebell
Oh, logically it shouldn't, but my observation is that the Hollywood left thinks that because they support the Palestinians and don't support Bush, they should be exempt from the radical Islamic hate.

Just my own observations, mind you.
I can see how you might come to that conclusion...

As for the thread topic...

If I get Art's drift he is saying that we should either:

a) stop waving the red flag (i.e. progressive programing such as Gay TV)
b) continue on course but be prepared for retaliation (i.e. arm ourselves to the teeth).

I don't believe the issue is what we show on our own airwaves. What we in the west are prepared to accept as entertainment should be none of their business.

As for exporting that same programming, if they don't like it, don't buy it. I know many television programmers and distributors of programming for the middle east... They are careful of what they license for broadcast (but only so far).

The point is, if someone in the Middle East has an issue with what is being broadcast in their nation, they need to take that up with the broadcaster in question and not with the programs country of origin.

For example, if you don't like a BBC show like The Office you don't blame the UK for the show, you hold the US broadcaster responsible.
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