Originally posted by ARTelevision
Oh yeah, that was the 90s' big supermarket meme.
Around here plastic has crushed the paper option like a steamroller squishing daisies...
It's all about those convenient handles, I presume.
The same has happened here. It's very disappointing to me because 1) plastic bags are worse for the environment and 2) they're rediculously less durable.
Originally posted by skier
I prefer not to put unweildy items like 12packs of pop or 4 liter milk jugs into bags. I can carry them just fine together without bags, and it helps the environment. So when the attendant offers to put the single items into a bag, I just say no and carry it myself.
I don't really see it as a lazy attendant thing, more of a superfluous kind of thing- if you can only fit one item into a bag, why have the bag at all?
I agree. The thing about plastic bags is tat they're so cheap! Most of the time, if it's the kind of thing that they're going to ask if I want it in a bag or not, it's the kind of thing that would break the bag if I actually tried to carry it using the handles anyway.
Originally posted by ARTelevision
I am part of the environment and it helps me.
It's the handles I want...
Art, you just made my day. This may not have ben intended to be funny, but it definitely made me laugh
Reminded me of that scene in Father of the Bride where he's trying to get hot dogs and they only have 4 packs and 12 packs and he wants 6 (or something like that).
Originally posted by The Original King
The big things I don't have a problem with. It's when I buy a CD and they put it in a bag. It's the size of a... CD... Why do I need a bag? I have fuckin' thumbs.
AMEN!! I *hate* it when they offer me a bag (or worse yet, just assume I want one) for one object! It's such an utter waste, and then I have to deal with what to do with the stupid bag after I get home. No thanks, I'll carry my one item myself thank you very much.