Originally posted by EeOh1
What does that mean? I've had people agree with me, so obviously "the rest of the world" isn't against me. Just voicing my opinion, sir.
Or perhaps I completely misread your message.
I don't know if you've misread my message,
EeOh1. What did you read into it in the first place?
Lost in Translation is the kind of movie you're afraid to bad-mouth because you fear that it holds a secret meaning you're missing or you worry that you're too stupid to appreciate the artistic symbolism. I'm going to be bold and tell you, straight out, that this movie was absolutely attrocious. The acting by Scarlet and Murray was very natural and believeable. The movie lacked, for the most part, deep, obvious emotion and the way the actors delivered nothing lines was impressive, but it certainly didn't save the movie. Call me traditional, but I'm partial to movies with plots. Although the humor found in mocking the Japanese was subtly laughable, the movie lacked purpose and pace.
Those looking too hard for meaning in this pile of garbage will tell you that it represents the aimlessness held in all of our lives and stands as a universal flag for the loneliness we all experience. I'll tell you this: Be lonely somewhere else.
Why is calling
Lost in Translation a "pile of garbage" a "bold" move? Would calling
Bio-Dome a pile of garbage be a bold move? I assume you describe your opinion as such because everyone else in the world likes the movie, as can be seen by its critical acclaim and strong
IMDb rating. This phrasing makes it sound like you're alone in your opinion. However, when you say things like:
Yea, I took the chance. Everyone I was with absolutely hated it. I already said, it's one of those artsy movies you're afraid to bash because of the obvious meaning its trying to throw at you. Obviously everyone here, except me, appreciated its efforts.
Unless "everyone" you were with is really just one other person, it would seem as though your actual peers (and not just your electronic peers here, at TFP) share your opinion so why paint yourself as the bold minority?