[i]How do you reconcile the fact that the creations of our cultural milieu need to be defended against those who would see them as the very reasons why we should be obliterated from the face of the earth? Can we continue to bait the vicious dog without arming ourselves to the teeth? [/B]
Well for one thing, the radicals ( a very small number given the worlds population) will continue their disregard of western cultural social norms and beliefs in any given context, change or no change as it stands now. Personally, these radicals don't have much of a leg to stand on since they too, and hypocritically so adhere to western values as it suits them. ie,..9/11 hijackers eating steak dinners and going to strip clubs, the guy wearing Nikes or Reeboks at Nick Bergs beheading, etc,...
Baiting the vicious dog without arming ourselves to the teeth? That in itself I find to be a radical statement given the context is about radicals. And further wouldn't that be, as so many have said, especially regarding western cultural values, be seen as giving into the terrorists if such were the case? To arm ourselves to the teeth would have some influence on the cultural outcome, so in that instance wouldn't the terrorists then have won?