There is no way that we can appeal to the Muslim extremists. Their desires are in direct opposition to ours. Freedom of expression, equal rights for all, freedom of religion, and many other fundamental beliefs rooted in our society are abhorent to them. Their desire transcends just practicing their own beliefs to trying to force a change in ours. Anyone who believes the two sides can peacefully coexist, their efforts can be ignored, or that we can stem their growth by only slightly modifying our behavior(s) is delusional. You can not reason with a fundamentalist. Their opinion is right anything else is wrong. So many scream on the politics board about the damage being done by the "extremist" Bush administration and that anything and everything should be done to get rid of them yet turn around and think that hugs and kisses will move terrorists in the right direction.
Our society's very nature offends these religious radicals. If we stop supporting Israel their opinion of us won't change. If we stop pushing social issues on a global scale their opinion of us won't change. Hell, even if we were all to turn around and convert to Islam, cover our women in burkas, and grow beards their opinion of us will likely not change.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.