Originally posted by guinnessgurl
Does anyone know of a good site where i can upload pics (that are not huge files, but they're not small either) in order to post them on here (to make things easier). Because every time I try to post a pic on here, it always tells me that my file is too big (so if you know how to make the file smaller too, that would be awesome), and no matter how small i seem to make the picture, it won't post, and then when it does, its always in the form of an attachment that they have to click on, so i have no idea if its really working at all. HELP! lol
You need to redecue the size of your file, not the actual dimensions of the picture. First, save your picture in jpeg format, it's smaller than most. Second, find a utility that will allow you to save your jpeg in high, medium, or low quality. This will also reduce the filesize. Photoshop has a save for the web feature that works really well for this.