Originally posted by Lasereth
The Rest System isn't broke if ya ask me. If you leave your character in an Inn for 8 hours, your "Rest Bar" fills up. After the 8 hours, you play your character and get 200% experience from enemies. Quest experience is not affected by this. The more you fight regular monsters, the more your Rested Bar goes down. After a few hours, it's at normal experience, so you only get 100% experience from enemies instead of 200%. You can go back to the Inn for 8 hours and restore your Rested Bar for 200% experience later on.
This makes people that can't play 24/7 have a better chance of keeping up with people that do. You're rewarded for leaving your character alone for periods of time.
The only people that hate the Rest System are those that powergame and get pissed when they have to take a break. I'm not really sure I understand their theory, anyway: if your character isn't Rested, you still get normal 100% experience. What's the problem?
Lots of people want the Rest System gone completely. I ask this: which would you rather have, 100% experience half the time and 200% the other half, or ONLY 100% experience? If Blizzard got rid of the Rest System, they sure as hell wouldn't set the enemies to give 200% exp all the time...they'd set it at 100%, and people would complain even more.
The Beta is doing excellent. There's still a few bugs here and there (mainly with quests) and some of the areas aren't even started yet, however. But overall, I believe they could release this game this summer if they really wanted to. But they're not, so it doesn't matter. The game is really polished as it is.
That pretty much sums it up. The rest system is FINE, the only people that complain are the ones that want to get to the level cap (level 39 currently) in a week. Bitches.
Everything is on schedule. The next patch will be within a week or so. I'll take some more screen shots and post them later!