I've always been considerd very mature for my age, so when I was younger I always dated girls that were older than me. I've always been very sexual too ... and have had plenty of experiences before gettting out of high school. During high school/college I worked in a super market and I have to tell you, there's plenty of unhappy women out there just looking for an ounce of excitement or somebody to notice them.
Of course living in a college dorm, being away from parents and the new sexual openess of woman ... well, I've had a few partners.
Looking back ... I'm not sure if I would have liked to have less partners than I had. Believe it or not, there were cases when I refused to have sex with somebody for different reasons, but now that I'm older and maturer ... I'm still not sure if I regret having so many partners. Well, I'm sorry, that's not completely true. There were times when some of my partners were in committed relationships, and because of my immaturity I simply had no respect for relationships. Being in a serious relationship now, that certainly is one of my regrets.
The user formerly known as BlingBling