The next terrorist attack will be another low-tech, high-impact one. Imagine something like shooting up a bunch of elementry schools, thereby causing our already near-bankrupt school system to collapse under the weight of new "security measures" designed to keep it from happening again.
Or, maybe shooting down a plane. How? Put three guys with AK-47's in the back of a pick-up truck a block from Ontario (California) Airport. As a DC-10 flys over, they open up on the engines or cockpit. Once again, the US will spend massive $$ trying to keep this from happening again (i.e. moving all airports to unpopulated areas, etc.)
I will refrain from threadjacking and NOT turn this into a political bitchfest about the "War on Terror", Bush or Iraq. I request that others follow suit.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.