Originally posted by Cynthetiq
I smile and say good morning every day to people I see on a daily basis.
I believe it's my way of contributing to a better day to other people who don't even ever get noticed.
Ah, but does it get noticed? Maybe one of those people you said good morning to will have a slightly better mood throughout the day, and make a slightly different "insignificant" decision than they would have, forever changing their lives?
Perhaps one of them is a crazy sociopath that was planning on murdering all the higher ups, but when one took notice of him/her and said good morning, you may have averted a catastrophe.
No decision we make, regardless of how insignificant at the time, can be truly realized until all the consequences of that decision are laid out, and there is a very good possibility that the "ripple effect" will never end, and even if it does, it would be nearly impossible to distinguish.
Life is truly amazing...