Originally posted by oblivion
For my HD, i was planning on getting a seagate HD, but a lot of my friends keep nagging me to get a damn raptor.
im probably gonna get a raptor and that HD that Zella recommended. Heh, i might as well try to please most of my friends.
Also, now.... for my vid card, i think im gonna get the 9800XT temporarily until ATI comes up with an all-in-wonder version of the X800s. Itll be easier to resell the 9800XT when the time comes
Come on man, if you're gonna get a 9800XT, that's not far from how much an X800 Pro costs anyway!

One company had them for $350 a few days ago on techbargains.com.
Radeon 9800XT's are near that price or over. Neither one are all in wonder, so you may as well get an X800. I think it'd be easier to resell the X800 Pro after the AIW version comes out.
Sorry to nag, but that X800 Pro is just too damned good to pass up, even temporarily. Go for it!!