I agree, <b>splck</b>, about avoiding the situation next time. But you're making it sound like we instigated, or started, the situation. True, my sister does suck at driving, but we did NOT cut the guy off, whether you think so or not

I have been driving for years now, and I know how much room there is between cars that are traveling at certain rates of speed. This guy hit the gas after we pulled out. Simple as that. He was going approximately 45 MPH when we pulled out (10 over the limit), leaving about 50 yards between each of us, and by the time he passed us, he was going around 55 or 60. That's not my sister's fault.
I definitely will "consider not flipping off people and yelling at them after cutting them off." But you're missing a part of the lesson here: We didn't pull out in front of him bad enough for him to SPEED UP and swerve around us and blow the horn and almost hit us. I consider myself an excellent driver. I know how close he was
True, the entire situation would have been avoided if we didn't give him the finger, but the entire situation could have also been avoided if he just changed lanes or kept going a safe speed limit instead of almost running over us. Just because we are "young" in terms of "old" people doesn't mean it's automatically our fault.
A normal person would have simply changed lanes or hell, kept going in the same lane and padded the brakes a bit to slow down some. It's not like we pulled out RIGHT in front of him. In fact, I went by the place today to see how much room he had, and it was embarassing how much room there was. I judge he could have kept going around 40 MPH (5 above the limit) and not his us, even if he stayed in the same lane.