Depends on how much time I have...
I have naturally curly hair that's just past my shoulders, it is a challenge to cut, plus it's got a lot of gray so I have it colored about every 8 weeks.
For a cut, if I have the time, I'll go to either Warren Tricomi or one of the posh posh super expensive salons in New York City -- and spend 25 bucks plus tip a the the training schools. I'll spend about 3 hours in the chair, and have a student it's almost ready to be turned out work on my hair - monitored very closely by one of the salon pros - the salon pro will then finish my hair. (I basically end up getting a 350 dollar or more cut and color for about 40 bucks - -because the cut is so good, I don't have to go as often)
When I'm desperate and don't have time to wait, I pay about 35 for the hair cut (plus tip) plus about 40 for the color. I'm paying more money for it, and it's no where near as good a cut.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.