Interest rates are expressed as an annual yield on US treasuries and notes. Thus if you bought a 10 year at auction, and the yield was 4.75%, you would receive that amount annually.
You can ask to be paid for your properties in any currency you want, but unless you're moving overseas you will ultimately have to repatriate that money into dollars. Can you see what would happen if one day 10 "Lats" (sorry, I don't know the real Latvian currency) bought a US dollar, but a week later it took 100 Lats?
I still maintain that overseas RE is a highly illiquid asset. You're telling your lenders they can have their money back when they want it, but you have no way to return it that quickly. What if there's a dip in the Latvian market and somebody wants their bucks back at that time? You would be forced to sell at poor sale prices. That presents a tremendous risk to your enterprise, even though long term your concept could be a succesful one.
Also, you seem to be ignoring transaction costs. Buying something one year and selling a year or two later will be expensive. I doubt you can do it for under 10% of the transaction cost.
Best wishes, and good luck with your investments.