In my experience you should NEVER ask for a ring. Why? Because you might get one because he knows you want it but NOT because he is ready to give it.
My Ex and I dated 6 years. Around the 4.5 year mark I started hinting that I wanted to get engaged. Well I got the ring for Christmas and we were engaged a year. Two months before we were to be married he decided that was not what HE really wanted.
I would not rush it. I think that 20 is way to young to be engaged anyhow. If it is supposed to happen it will work out no matter how long it takes.
A promise ring however is not a bad idea. It is just something pretty that will remind you of him.
Let him decide when though.
My boyfriend that I have now gave me a very nice Sapphire/Diamond ring this past christmas that I wear on my wedding ring finger. He was the one that suggested that we go look at rings......and he picked it out. We had only been dating 7 months at that time. It is not an engagement ring....but I love it just as much if not more then one. But the thing is, the man has to do things like this on his own and at his own speed for you to know it is genuine. Which to me is the most importent part of getting a gift like that.
Last edited by *Nikki*; 05-26-2004 at 05:55 AM..