Originally posted by jb2000
The problem is that people are no longer buying the stump speech. He's been speaking rosy words about goals since he first strated running, but much of America has been disillusioned about his words and their worth.
I still find it interesting that so many people claim that "much of America has been disillusioned" about him and no longer support him. Based on polls (and yes I know polls don't mean a damned thing, only the election matters) he remains about at 50% which is right about what got him elected President in 2000. (Yeah yeah, Michael Moore conspiracy theorists, I know he didn't get elected he stole it or whatever).
The main issue in this election for most voters, IMO, is national security. While people aren't particularly happy with Iraq, Bush is seen as being stronger on security than Kerry is. Unless something major changes between now and the election I think Bush will be back for a second term.