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Old 05-26-2004, 01:51 AM   #37 (permalink)
Frowning Budah
Slave of Fear
Originally posted by ophidiann
This is the type of stuff you see all the time in the news. I don't believe to be a patriot or to be a good American, you must agree with everything the President does or says. In fact, you can strongly disagree and be a very good American.

The sad thing here is that the guy is one of many who has voiced open opinion against this President and has been shut down. I know there are inappropriate times to have something up and what not... but I don't ever remember seeing as much crap being cut off as by this administration. It's in a way scary that while we claim to defend freedom abroad, that we don't protect those freedoms at home.

But yeah, I'm sure some people will see things like this as threatening to the current administration and claim that I don't either understand the context or I'm simply a liberal-America-hating bastard. In my opinion, every person that dislikes this administration should have the absolute power to put his or her middle finger into the air and shout profanities.
Thank You, I could not have said it better myself.

If we are not allowed to express our opinions how will the people who are suppose to be representing us know how we feel? The concept of our Government is not to elect some one, then give them Carte Blanche to do what ever they want. Our elected officials are suppose to be doing the will of the people not vice versa.
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