This always hearkens me back to the argument over cell phones in high school...
As they were becoming popular and widespread in the mid 90's, schools were banning them completely from campus. Period.
But now, most schools allow them provided their off.
Now what might this have to do with drugs?
It's just that if people really want to do something (in this case, bring phones) and the rules are put to block it, you suddenly have a problem where phones have to be taken away and the usual crap with parents going to the administration to retrieve and so on.
Now that its suddenly not a problem to bring it to school (as long as its silent and what not), that extra side stuff (getting it taken away and getting it back) is cut out and the fact is, people don't use em in class at all still.
Similar I see it is the entire drug thing - if it is illegal, there is more of that factor that drives prices up. If it is legal, prices go down and the money is gone. We won't have to pay for a large part of the extra bureaucracy used to fight this losing war.
And, those who want to do drugs, will still do drugs - those who don't want to, won't. And if drugs were legal, IMO, it wouldn't have that 'cool' factor anymore attached to being a 'bad boy' or whatever.