Check your lease, then call the office, then call the cops. Do what it takes and go as far as you need. Keep going till you get results.
Perhaps you can decide a certain time of day or night when you can tolerate SOME noise. Here at our apts we have a quiet "curfew" at 7:00pm until 10:00am. No loud stereos, no loud kids, etc. Most people abide by it pretty well. Sometimes people will Oops and go past the curfew but it's only occasional.
We used to have 2 kids about that age who lived above us. They enjoyed wrestling in their livingroom or their bedroom. We could hear it and actually feel it. I had to straighten my pictures about once a week because the vibrations caused them to move. The boys only did it a couple times a week and DEFINATELY not for more than an hour. Ask the parents if they could put a time limit on the kids running. Or even possibly get a couple coloring books and give them to the parents. Say - "I was hoping this could give the kids something quiet to do while I study/read/sleep" or whatever you want to do most. It's a polite, pleasant way of encouraging them to be quiet. Plus the parents might not even have to say anything to the kids. If the kids get coloring books they may quiet down for a little while all on their own. You catch more flies with honey than with vinager.
I do think that since he said to call the office you should do that first. Let the office know that you could handle the running once in a while but that since it's constant and daily it gets on your nerves. If nothing changes call the office again. Call them daily until something DOES change.
I wish you good luck.
sprocket - I love your solution. That would be soooo fun.