Originally posted by pan6467
One of Al-Quida's largest incomes came from the poppy fields (used for opiates) in Afghanistan.
Saudi Arabia is widely known to support terrorism. One of the main sources of revenue for Saudi Arabia is oil. Are you suggesting we should outlaw cars as well?
Additionally, why do you think the terrorists CAN make so much money off of drugs? It's BECAUSE of the drug war that drug prices are so high. If they were legal, they'd be widely available and would therefore command a much lower price. Look what happened during prohibition. Suddenly people who had paid big money for a top-quality bottle of scotch were now paying the same amount for some godawful swill mixed in someone's bathtub. The price skyrocketed BECAUSE of it's illegality.
Here's my view on the war on drugs.
Whether you think drugs are good, bad, or indifferent, the war on drugs is stupid. It's no different from prohibition. It's impossible to win the war. It can ONLY be a rathole down which we will pour gobs of money that could be more constructively used elsewhere. People want drugs too badly and the profits are too high for the producers to stop just because the feds are trying to stop them.
Anyone who says the war on drugs is a winnable war is delusional.