This topic always makes me laugh. Being from the mid-west originally I grew up in gun country where everyone from the age of 8 owned and operated a firearm. We have great slogans there like, “From my cold dead fingers!” But just for a minute I wish people would stop and think this one through. Sure I am all for gun ownership and all, but is it really necessary to have all sorts of assault rifles and handguns? I mean really, the 2nd amendment was adopted in part because our founders believed that it was necessary for the populace to be well armed in case they needed to overthrow a tyrannical government. Well we have a tyrannical government (at least by our founders standards) and I haven’t noticed anyone seriously attempting to overthrow it lately, at least not for the past 140 odd years. Does anyone out there really believe that gun ownership in America still protects us from a tyrannical government? Rhetorical question, sadly enough I already know the answer ... sigh.